jKılavuz - a guide in the polyon soup - tutorial


jKılavuz is the first and only available path engine for Java. It consists of an extensible set of tools for collecting pathfind data and finding and executing paths. Despite the complexness of subject it is designed for ease of use. jKılavuz is written in Java 5 and is pure Java. jKılavuz is targeted, but not limited to games development.

There are numerous good algorithms for determining a path given a connectivity graph. The actual problem is creating a connectivity graph which correctly represents the enviroment. For simple 2D games the connectivity graph was a side affect of the tiling system used to create the map. For 3D games, especially those constructed from arbitrary geometry, no such simple solution exists. jKılavuz is meant to solve this problem.

FloodFill and Grid

To collect pathfind data, jKılavuz flood fills over surface starting from a set of points on the ground. This way a kind of 2d grid in 3d space is created which can take us up or down slopes, across bridges and over and under overpasses. The process also takes care of jumping over obstacles and gaps. As a nice side effect flood filling also spots the locations on the map where the units aren't supposed to go.

All this is done by the FloodFill class. Indeed the FloodFill class only organizes the flood fill process. Actual reachability checks is delegated to an interface called StepChecker. FloodFill decides which direction to check and also makes sure values returned by StepChecker are in proper range. jKılavuz provides a default implementation of StepChecker depending on jPCT's collision detection system but one can easily plug his own collision detection engine.

For simple maps only a starting point is sufficient. Multiple starting points are used for cases where flood fill can not reach certain parts of the map. For example a two floor building where upstairs can only be raeched by an elevator. Note if there are stairs connecting the two floors, flood fill finds its way down or up through the stairs.

Flood filling is only done in cardinal directions. Diagonal movements are not checked and indeed not necessary.

The result of flood filling is the Grid which is essentially consists of cells which are square prism shaped. Height of the prism should be as much as your unit's height. The cell size is the size of a side of the square. Cell size is quite important to correctly represent the terrain. The recommended size is half width of your unit's bounding box. Take the wider side of your unit's bounding box and use half of it. The following figure shows a unit's bounding box and the corresponding cell. Note the smaller the cell size the more time and memory consuming flood filling is. Also note small cell size does barely effect the size of runtime path find data as all cell information is discarded there.

The following figure shows a part of a grid created for a terrain where elevation changes. Note how nicely the cells fit onto terrain:

The constructed Grid is a massive data structure with cells referencing neighbour cells. Thanks to Java serialization mechanism to store and reload that massive object graph. An implementation note, for large grids default serialization breaks with StackOverFlowError since there are many many circular references between cells. To overcome this, references to neighbours cells are discarded and only id's of neighbour cells are serialized. During de-serialization neighbours are restored again.

Flood filling to construct a grid is a quite time consuming process especially on large maps. As it's impossible to create custom sectors once grid is sectorized it's strongly recommended to backup your grid instances before sectorizing them.

As grid storage depends on java serialization and future versions may not be compatible with current version, it's also recommended to backup code or script pieces which creates the grid.

Sectors and Portals

Once the flood fill is completed, the created grid is analyzed and sectors and portals are created. A sector is a rectangular region which is freely traversable: that is a unit can go in any direction in a sector without any action. The sector and portal creation is fully automatized although users can intervene for special purposes. During sectorization several tricks are used to form nicely shaped sectors: i.e. to avoid long and thin sectors. The bounding box of a sector is the smallest rectangular prism covering all the cells.

Custom (user defined) sectors can only be created before grid is sectorized. Typically custom sectors are created for regions where you want the sector to be of a certain shape. For example you may want to create a sector from all the cells a door's volume covers. Later you may enable/disable portals leading that sector to emulate door's state: open or closed. If we don't create a custom sector there, default sectorization may create wider or smaller sectors there and we may not precisely enable/disable passing through the required region.

Grid.createSector(Collection<Grid.Cell>) is used to create a custom sector. The required cells can be retrieved by Grid.getCellsAt(float[] bounds) which returns all cells intersects with given bounds. Note the cells must form a rectangular region and conform to freely traversable rule.

The following image shows such a custom sector created for a door:

And this is what default sectorization created. These two images are from the door sample:

A portal is a line of (generally) border cells which leads to same sector with same action. The portals created by Grid.sectorize() method are always on borders of sectors. There are 2 types of portals: regular and non-regular. A regular portal is a portal which is created during flood fill and leads to an adjacent sector. A non-regular portal may be anywhere in a sector and may lead to any other sector in the grid. Teleporters and elevators are examples of such portals. Note jump ahead portals are also created by flood fill but are not regular portals.

Grid.createPortal(Grid.Cell from, Grid.Cell to, short action) is used to create a custom portal. Action is a game/content specific identifier defining what action to take to pass through this portal, like elevator action, teleport action etc.


The Grid is a huge data structure possibly covering megabytes of space for a moderate sized map. This is where the Land came into sight. Land is the compact form of our path find data which is used at runtime. A Land is essentially created from a Grid. It is the stripped form of grid where all the cell information is discarded. Similar to grid it also contains sectors and portals but all are in bounding box form. The sectors and portals of Land has the same id's of their Grid counterparts.

Land also stores elevations of cells. This is necessary to calculate the elevation of an arbirtaty point in the Land. The elevation of a point is interpolated among 4 cell points surrounding it. Elevations are stored as 2 dimensional float arrays. Note as a size optimization, if all cells of a sector are at same elevation only a single value is stored.

All coordinates in Land are in grid space. That is, the land point corresponding to our first starting point is (0,0), a cell width north of it is (0,1) etc. Land.getPoint(Vector3) is used to retrieve points in Land. The Vector argument is the location in world space. Land.Point also holds a reference to sector it belongs to.

Path finding

Path finding is performed among sectors. AStar class is the one which actually finds paths. It's a generic A* implementation which is not bound only to sectors. PathContext class encapsulates information about current path finding unit and is passed as a hint to AStar and which is in turn passed to AStar.Transition's for cost calculations. Note Land.Portal implements AStar.Transition.

To find path between two Land.Point's from and to, AStar.findPath(from.sector, to.sector, PathContext) is used.

One of the fields of PathContext is unitSize which is the size of unit in grid space. Path finding will not let a unit go through portals which are narrower than specified unit size. Although this sounds good at first, it's not recommended to specify large unit sizes as it will lead to strange paths especially for enviroments with relatively small sectors/portals. Instead create different Grids/Lands for different unit sizes.

The following figure shows a problematic case. Here a small path segment found for a unit size of 1 is displayed. However if unit size was more than 1 no path will be found. This is a wrong behaviour and indeed a unit with a size up to 2 can pass through there (as portals are adjacent) but jKılavuz doesnt take that into account. So avoid large unit sizes especially on maps with relatively small sectors/portals.

Paths and PathIterator

In a typical game finding a path among sectors is not sufficient. One should have the necessary tools to actually execute (follow over time) the path. Fortunately jKılavuz has built in support for that. PathIterator is an interface which allows iterating over paths over time. It's suitable for both fixed and delta time approaches which are quite common in game industry. The typical usage is as follows, the code piece is called every frame:

    if (pathIterator.hasNext()) {
        PathPosition position = pathIterator.next(passedSecondsSinceLastFrame);

Various implementations of PathIterator is retrieved from static methods of Paths class.

For example to get a curved path Paths.curvedPath(Land.Point first, AStar.Path path, Land.Point last, Vector3 currentDirection, Vector3 lastDirection, PortalPasser portalPasser) is used. The first and last points are our unit's current and destination points. Path is the path found by AStar. The current and last directions are our unit's current direction and required direction at destination point. The curvature of path is defined by distanceToEdges field of PathContext. The created path will try to stay away distanceToEdges units from corners and sides where possible. Note the created path is guaranteed to stay in sectors of the original path.

PortalPasser is a factory interface to create path segments for portals which require specific action. Remember how we were able to define a custom portal for some game/content specific action like an elevator. jKılavuz can not know how to pass through a such portal so it delegates the job to PortalPasser. This way one can plug his own game/content specific path segments like press the elevator button, wait for the elevator to come, get on elevator, go upstairs, get off elevator, etc. See elevator sample for an implementation. If PortalPasser is null or it returns null for a path segment the default PortalPasser is used which just skips to last position.

Paths class also provides several methods to create path segments. Some of them accepts Land.Point's as parameters while others accept Vector3's. The formers take elevations into account while the laters dont. Path segments can be merged into a single one by Paths.mergePaths(List<PathIterator>) method. Using these Lego like segments one can build his own path if built-in methods are not sufficient.

Paths.pathPoints(...) is provided for those who doesnt need a PathIterator but the way points on the path. This method generates the corner points of a path which a unit can go straight. Optionally it can also generate marker points at sector boundaries.

There are certain situations where a unit should wait in the middle of a path until some specific event occurs. Waiting for elevator is an example. The Paths.Condition interface is used for such cases. The following code piece creates a PathIterator which waits until elevator comes downstairs:

    PathPosition pathPosition = new PathPosition(...); // the point we wait
    PathIterator waitSegment = Paths.conditionalSegment(pathPosition, new Paths.Condition() {
        public boolean isConditionMet() {
            return elevator.isDownStairs();

Problematic Geometries

The flood filling and finding and executing path methods will work seamlessly on arbitrary geometries. However there are certain geometries which will put you into trouble. The following figure is a side view of such a case:

As you see the sectors for down and upstairs intersect. The problem here is one can not determine the sector of a point in intersected volume. The Land.getPoint(Vector3) method will return the first sector the given vector is contained. However if the sector is determined the rest of the system will work correctly. So to avoid such problems, either avoid such geometry or keep track of the sector a point belongs to by yourself.


GridPanel is a swing panel to display various information in a grid. It can display cells, transitions between cells, sectors and portals in a Grid. It can also visualize path find results displaying path points, curved path and control points of the curve. Double clicking on a point will popup a dialog box displaying detailed information about cells at that point. GridPanel can be used as a standalone application or embedded in another swing application.

The bin folder has a windows batch file and a shell script for invoking GridPanel as a standalone application.

The figure below shows GridPanel displaying a found path. It's from the Quake level used in demo. The yellow line shows the straight path. Yellow circles mark path points and yellow plus signs mark portal exit points. Red line shows curved path and blue line pieces shows control points of curves. Note how straight lines used whereever possible. Also note how the found path seemlessly passes over itself on the second floor.

jPCT Helpers

A few helper classes are provided for jPCT users to ease testing and prototyping. They can be found in the raft.kilavuz.util.jpct package.

The Visuals class provides static methods to create visual representations of cells and sectors in a Grid or Land. The Avatar class is a simple avatar implementation which can perform and coordinate certain animations. The RenderPanel is a swing panel which does the rendering job and allow the user to freely move the camera around or follow an avatar (any Object3D indeed)


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